Monday, November 19, 2012

Nov 12, Bahia de Los Angeles to Santa Rosalia

So we left some of our blood on a motel room wall in Mexico.  In Bahia de Los Angeles, we stayed at a motel called Villa Vitta also known as the mosquito coast.  When I mentioned to the manager that some of our blood was on the walls via our 50 mosquito assault, he said it was like that everywhere in the town.  But the town is small, we saw most of it, and no other restaurant, internet cafe space, or pre-racer's hotel room had the bug fest we had.  I am guessing standing water in the AC unit.  His sneering smile made me think he disliked us for some reason.  I can't say why, Jeff's beard was in reasonable shape and fragrence that day.

Above is one of the pre-runners race cars when we left in the morning in Bahia Los Angeles and my bike the lavanderia again in the parking lot.

Santa Rosalia is a nifty town as there is a gold mine that brings in money and monied people that want more of the things that I like, like curbs and municipal budgets for trimming trees.  We ate at Pollito for dinner and breakfast the next day.  The food was good, the service was quick, but they were not very friendly.  I will take good and quick over friendly though.

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