Monday, November 19, 2012

Nov 14 and 15 in La Paz

I had been in La Paz for a week of diving before.  I went to the museum, took in some strange municipal art, and explored the town.  I saw the snail shell people and then saw an explanation in the museum that for the indigenous people there, the similarity in shape between the snail shell and a woman's reproductive organs made it a symbol of fertility that got widely used.  I don't get it, but a cool quirky tradition none the less.

La Paz is a big place with the attending big city crazy traffic.  Jeff's age has started to rear its ugly head on this trip and he isn't comfortable riding at night anymore and tires after 3 hours riding instead of 5 hours.  At least these stark realizations are coming up on him while he is on a nice relaxing vacation.  Although he wouldn't admit to the nice and relaxing part when I have a spreadsheet showing where we need to be when every day...  But we are both having a great time.

The bikes through the church door shot was in Loreto, but my memory for time and space is pretty full at this point.

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