Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nov 8 2012 to san felipe

We rode from phoenix to san felipe today, another long ride.  The border crossing from Calexico into Mexicali was fast and tame.  I like the symetry of the names.  We had mexican insurance and passports all ready, but they just waved us through.

The road was nice and new and smooth the whole way short of a few construction areas.  Halfway to san felipe we both hit an unmarked change in the asphalt that felt like hitting a curb in the dark at 40 mph, although it was probably only 2" tall.

We camped at campo san felipe rv and twnt camping area right on the beach.  The fisherman smell and sound was a bit funky into the night, but the real funk was the restrooms.  They sort of define the OMG reaction we all use in texts but rarely mean in the all caps spontaneous appeal to your maker for mercy sense.  I have to remeber to lambast them on trip advisor.  Perhaps with one of the pictures I took.  I will probably need a red "explicit content censored" icon to put over the more graphic bathroom picture content.  We ate some good fish which was spoiled for me by a white wine and caper sauce.  The restaurant was called the "langosta roja" or red lobster but resembled the usa chain in no detectable way.

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